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Welcome to API Testing

API Testing Documents

// TBD.

Ready to get started?

1 - Tasks

Learn API Testing hands-on through tasks

1.1 - Mock server get started

Get started

You can start a mock server of container registry with below command:

atest mock --prefix / mock/image-registry.yaml

then, you can pull images from it:

docker pull localhost:6060/repo/name:tag

1.2 - Quickstart

Get started with API Testing in a few simple steps.

// TBD

1.3 - gRPC testsuite writing manual

This document will introduce how to write testsuite for the gRPC API of api-testing.

Before reading this document, you need to install and configure api-testing. For specific operations, please refer to Install Document. If you have completed these steps, you can continue reading the rest of this document.

Create testsuite

To create a gRPC testsuite based on service reflection, just add the following content to the spec path of the yaml file:

    serverReflection: true

Field rpc has five subfields in total:


Field import and protofile

protofile is a file path pointing to the location of the .proto file where api-testing looks for descriptors.

The import field is similar to the --import_path parameter in the protc compiler, and is used to determine the location of the proto file and the directory for parsing dependencies. Like protoc, you don’t need to specify the location of certain proto files here (such as Protocol Buffers Well-Known Types starting with google.protobuf), they are already built into api-testing binary file.

Field protoset

Field protoset can be either a file path or a network address starting with http(s)://.

When you have a large number of proto or complex dependencies, you can try to use protoc --descriptor_set_out=set.pb to generate a proto descriptor set. Essentially it is a wire-encoded binary file that includes all the required descriptors.

Field serverReflection

If the target server supports service reflection, setting this to true will no longer need to provide the above three fields.

Note: The priority order of api-testing for the three descriptor sources is

serverReflection > protoset > protofile

Write gRPC API testsuite

Like writing the HTTP testsuite, you need to define the address of the server in the api field of the root node.


By default, api-testing uses an insecure way to connect to the target server. If you want to configure a TLS certificate, please refer to the document About Security

Writing testsuite for gRPC API is basically the same as writing testsuite for HTTP API.

- name: FunctionsQuery
    api: /server.Runner/FunctionsQuery
    body: |
        "name": "hello"
    body: |
        "data": [
            "key": "hello",
            "value": "func() string"

The format of the api field is /package.service/method, which supports gRPC unary calls, client streams, server streams and bidirectional stream calls.

The body field at the same level as the api field is a Protocol Buffers message expressed in JSON format, representing the input parameters of the api to be called. Especially, when you need to call the client stream or bidirectional stream API, please use the JSON Array format to write the field body, such as:

body: |
      "name": "hello"
      "name": "title"

Write return content verification

Writing gRPC API to return content validation is basically the same as HTTP API. For the gRPC API, all return values are treated as map types and put into the api testing specific return structure:

  body: |
      "data": [
          "key": "hello",
          "value": "func() string"

api-testing has written a comparison lib for JSON comparison, please refer to here compare

Please note that for server-side streaming and bi-directional streaming modes where the server sends multiple messages, the target array in the data field must be the same length as the array to be validated, and both arrays must have the same contents under the same index.

The verify functionality of the gRPC API is consistent with the HTTP API and will not be repeated here.

1.4 - Pushing the test results into Prometheus

You can use the following command to do it:

atest run --report prometheus --report-file http://localhost:9091 \
    -p sample/testsuite-gitee.yaml --duration 30m --qps 1

It will push the test results data into Prometheus PushGateway. Then Prometheus could get the metrics from it.

Skip the following instructions if you are familiar with Prometheus:

docker run \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /root/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \

docker run -p 9091:9091 \
    -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \

docker run -p 3000:3000

1.5 - Secure

Usually, when TLS certificate authentication is not used, the gRPC client and server communicate in plain text, and the information is easily eavesdropped or tampered by a third party. Therefore, it is recommended to use SSL/TLS to protect gRPC services in most cases. Currently, atest has implemented server-side TLS, and mutual TLS (mTLS) needs to wait for implementation.

By default atest does not use any security policy, which is equivalent to = true. Enabling TLS only requires adding the following content to your yaml:

    cert: server.pem
    serverName: atest

Field description

secure has the following five fields:


cert is the path to the certificate that the client needs to configure, in the format of PEM.

serverName is the service name required by TLS, usually the x509 SAN used when issuing certificates.

ca is the path to the CA certificate, and key is the private key corresponding to cert. After filling in these two items, mTLS is enabled. (mTLS is not implemented yet)

When insecure is false, cert and serverName are required.

2 - Installation

This section includes installation related contents of API Testing.

2.1 - Install with Locally

// TBD

Install API Testing.

3 - API

This section includes APIs of API Testing.

3.1 - API Reference

// TBD.

4 - Releases

This section includes Releases of API Testing.

4.1 - v0.1.0

Date: 2024 06 01

// TBD